?Vertical vs Horizontal Hop Test
? When looking at return to sport testing post ACLR there are a slew of tests out there and you’ll find different therapists looking at different things. I think it’s vital to have a battery of tests that look at several different components. Even more importantly, your therapist needs to know WHAT they are looking at so they can properly assess what might be limiting you.
? Kotskfaki et al. @aspetar just published an awesome paper looking at vertical and horizontal single leg hop tests and what the contributions are from the hip, knee, and ankle. Their findings:
?? Vertical hop: hip, knee, ankle
-propulsion= 31%,34%,35%
-landing= 29%, 34%,37%
?? Horizontal hop:
-propulsion= 87% from hip+ankle
-landing= 67% from the knee
?in the propulsive phase on both— the sequence was noted as proximal to distal
? the knee contributes about 1/8 to horizontal hop distance and 1/3 to vertical hop height
?Knowledge like this is what separates the good from the great. Anyone can prescribe a drop jump, high skip, or triple hop— but knowing how to progress and regress exercises for your SPECIFIC needs is where the importance lies. Find someone who values this!
???? This is WHY I constantly read and continue to learn!!! If I was complacent with what I learned in school and a few courses here and there— I would be doing my patients a disservice!!! Research continues to improve— as should we!!!
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